In our FREE 5-Year Vision Discovery Call, we'll meet via Zoom and explore your 'no fail' future.

In 20 minutes, you'll go from having nothing more than a vague idea for your future to a clear vision you can start working towards today.

The big question, of course, is why a 'no-fail' future?

The answer lies in a quote from Bill Gates: "Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years."

Just as we underestimate what we can do in ten years, we also underestimate what can be achieved in five.

By taking 20 minutes to outline your 'no fail' 5-Year Vision, you begin to remove unrecognized limiting
beliefs—the biggest barrier between living an average life and the life you've always dreamed of.

So let's get started! It's a free 20 minutes. What do you really have to lose?

A Little About Mateo:

6 years ago, Mateo was an ordinary pre-teen. He went to school, got a mix of A’s and B’s, and played soccer and video games when he got home. Then, in 7th grade, he homeschooled—and his life changed!

He quickly realized his weekly 30+ hours of schoolwork could be completed much faster. Immersing himself in self-improvement books, he began cultivating useful skills and applying countless time-management strategies. Now—as a high school senior—he takes a full college course load, manages this business, presides over several student organizations, and still gets 8-10 hours of sleep a night!

Mateo does not see himself as the exception, however. He believes all teens are capable of this and more—they just need a little help overcoming some limiting beliefs. Through coaching and online courses, Mateo hopes to provide the catalyst teens need to achieve the success they are capable of.

Sign Up for your 5-Year Vision Discovery Call Now!


What will I gain from doing this 20-minute call?

As a teen, you’ve probably been asked what you want to do quite a lot. Not only is there pressure to name some high-income earning job, but those conversations usually end shortly thereafter, with little added clarity on how to get there. In this call, all the pressure is off. We want to, as genuinely as possible, explore where you’d like to be five years from now—academically, professionally, socially, personally, etc. At the end, I’ll also provide a tailored book recommendation to get you started on moving in the right direction.

What if I don’t know where I want to be 5 years from now? What if the future scares me?

These are both perfectly normal questions. They’re questions I’ve had to answer for myself, actually. If you don’t know exactly where you want to be 5 years from now, don’t worry! That’s exactly what this call is for.

If the future scares you, that’s okay too. Our goal for this call isn’t to lock you into a step-by-step 5 year plan, but rather just start exploring what kind of life you’d like to have. I promise it’ll be fun much more than it’ll be scary.

If our call is only 20 minutes, how will Mateo and I get to know each other?

I’m glad you asked! Due to the brief nature of the calls, we’ll be focused the entire time. However, I’ve compiled a few entertaining questions for you to complete before the call. After you submit your answers, you’ll get a link to a YouTube video with my responses.

Is there any prep work I need to complete before the call?

Yes and no. There isn’t any official ‘prep work,’ so to speak, but I would love to get to know you through the survey you’ll receive once you sign up for coaching! I also ask that you come to the session with an open mind and ready to brainstorm.

What if, after our call, I have questions for Mateo or want to meet with him again?

If you have any questions after the call, please reach out to me on Instagram @smartstartuniversity or by email at [email protected]. I’ll respond to all messages from the week on Friday afternoon.

If you’d like to meet with me again, I encourage you to explore my paid coaching options. I’m a teen like you and know we aren’t exactly rolling in cash, so I try to keep them as affordable as possible.


What will my teen gain from doing this 20-minute call?

In this 20-minute call, your teen and I will explore where they’d like to be in a ‘no-fail’ future. With all the stakes removed, what do they genuinely want their life to look like? We’ll focus on the next five years, but teens often find they have added clarity on what they’d like to do beyond that. Lastly, as we close our call, I’ll provide a tailored book recommendation to help your teen begin moving in the right direction.

Why is this a 5 year discovery call? Wouldn’t it be better to only ask about 2 years in the future?

While teens are more likely to have a concrete vision of the next two years than they do of the next five, this call prioritizes a 5-year vision for two main reasons. First, as mentioned above, 5 years is far enough that teens needn't worry about being 'realistic,' as, in fact, even some of the highest ambitions are achievable when one recognizes their limiting beliefs. Second, by establishing this 5-year vision, teens develop greater clarity on how they can start moving towards their desired future.

Can I sit in on my teen’s coaching call?

While parents are welcome to sit in on coaching calls, I strongly encourage you to allow your teen to meet with me 1-on-1. This removes outside expectations, increases productivity, and ultimately enables me to provide more value to your teen. If you’d like to learn a little more about me—including some of my experience working with teens and children, I've recorded a short video just for you.

Why is this free? What’s the catch?

I really believe teens are capable of far more than society expects of them. Personally, I’ve had many mentors—including parents, teachers, and coaches—who have helped me overcome my own limiting beliefs. Just as they’ve helped me, I desire to equip my peers with the skills and mindsets needed to overcome their own obstacles.

I also sell one-off and packaged coaching designed to assist teens in developing skills in areas such as time management, habit stacking, fear conquering, and public speaking. If you'd like to help your teen to improve in any of those areas, please email me at [email protected] for more information.